Prepare to face the tough Spurned Progeny, the ninth boss in Lords of fallen! This big, scary boss is waiting for you in the Calrath Slums. In the arena, a huge monster will attack you with fire and powerful swipes, testing your combat skills.

In this guide, we’ll take a closer look at the different attacks the boss uses and share tips on how to beat it. Prepare for a challenging battle requiring quick moves and careful planning to come out on top against the Spurned Progeny!
Spurned Progeny Boss Guide
When facing the tough Spurned Progeny, avoid using the lock-on feature in the critical showdown. Instead, focus on parts like the big hands, legs, or head. The Spurned Progeny is massive, so relying on the lock-on may limit your view and make it hard to see incoming attacks. Stay quick and flexible to gain a strategic edge, recognizing and reacting to the subtle signals before the Spurned Progeny‘s strong attacks. Move carefully across the battlefield, using this tactical approach to ensure your victory against the formidable foe.

In the initial phase, there are numerous attacks to dodge. Concentrate on targeting its legs no matter what the Spurned Progeny Lords of the Fallen throws at you. Here’s a breakdown of the expected attacks:
Lava Claw Swipe
- He’ll slam his hands down, creating lava claw marks on the ground.
- Dodge this attack while focusing on attacking his legs.
Wide Swiping Attack
- He’ll try to hit you with long swipes covering a broad area.
- Dodge these swipes by moving out of the way.
- After swiping, he may pound both arms down, exposing his legs—attack them during this moment.
Fireball Eruption
- He raises his head, and an arm sends out fireballs.
- Dodge the fireballs and watch for variations where lines emerge from the ground, causing explosions. Roll away to avoid them.
Leg Slam Warning
- He lifts one leg, signaling an attempt to slam down.
- Quickly dodge when you see his leg raise.
- Avoid attacking his feet during this move as he gets up fast.
Ground Punch
- He tries to punch the ground where you are.
- Dodge the punches, and be prepared for the move where he slams both fists into the ground.
In this part of the fight, you aim to lower the opponent’s health until he stops, bending forward to release lava. When the arena gets covered in molten lava, it becomes risky to move around down there. To move forward, find and climb up any staircase, positioning yourself on one of the elevated platforms. This move marks the beginning of the next stage of the battle, bringing a change in the fight’s dynamics. Adjust your strategies to fit the new terrain, utilizing the higher platforms to gain an advantage in the ongoing confrontation.
Phrase Two of the Spurned Progeny Boss Fight
Getting through this stage requires patience. Focus on dodging attacks and strategically pick when to counterattack. Not every move leaves room for multiple hits, so it’s vital to spot patterns smartly. The Spurned Progeny tends to repeat certain attacks, highlighting the need to predict their next moves. Hone your observation skills to recognize incoming strikes so you can prepare a good response. In this phase, being precise and anticipating actions are crucial. This helps you take advantage of opportunities to deal damage while avoiding constant repetitive attacks.

The fight kicks off with the opponent slamming both hands down. It’s important to dodge at the right moment – roll away as the hand comes down and position yourself for a good hit. Next, watch out for a sweeping attack. Quickly roll to avoid getting hit. The key is to master this sequence – take advantage of the chance to strike after the first slam but stay nimble to dodge the next swipe. Balancing offense and defense like this helps you make the most of the enemy’s moves in this part of the battle.
Things get trickier in the battle when the enemy brings back the fire attack, slamming his fist to release a wave of fire. Use the same move as before – roll towards the fire wave. This is your chance to go on the offensive, hitting the adversary while his hand is still out before he pulls it back. Try to land 4 to 5 well-timed hits, especially if you use the lock-on feature to stay focused on his fist. Getting this move down not only deals a lot of damage but also takes advantage of a strategic opening in the repeated fire attacks, adding a bit of finesse to your fighting strategy.
Prepare for His Special Attack
Get ready for a special move from the enemy – he crouches down and lines up his face with a wall. This means he’s about to shoot fist projectiles from his mouth and does it three times in a row. Listen closely for a faint roar before each projectile is launched. When you hear it, roll out of the way to avoid getting hit by each flying fist. Being precise with your moves here is crucial, ensuring you dodge all three projectiles in a row. Pay attention to the sounds and roll at the right time to tackle this part of the battle.

Watch out for two versions of the enemy’s attack where he lifts his head, leading to a hand coming out of his mouth. In the first one, he shoots fireballs, meaning your wall is about to be covered in lava. Move quickly to another wall when you see this happening. The important thing is to move fast and make a smart decision to avoid the incoming lava and stay in a good position. By quickly switching to a different wall, you can handle the temporary danger and keep fighting with flexibility and resourcefulness.
Perfect Doge Time is the Key
Be careful when the enemy starts a different attack that looks like the fireball move. You’ll notice him leaning back as a big fireball gets stronger. Being too close when the area turns red causes fire damage over time. Quickly move along the sides of the wall and find cover behind it to avoid getting hurt for too long. The big explosion from the fireball marks the peak of this part of the battle.
After you’ve done a good amount of damage, the enemy grabs his throat and pauses for a moment. At the same time, the lava disappears from the lower level. Take advantage of this moment – quickly go down and launch your final attacks to win. It’s important to time your descent just right, making sure you make the most of the enemy’s weakness to finish the tough battle successfully.

Read Also: The Sundered Monarch – Lords of Fallen Boss Guide
Rewards for Beating the Spurned Progeny
When you defeat the Spurned Progeny, you get some cool stuff like a Vestige Seed, 8 Umbral Scouring, Spurned Progeny Flesh, and a Giant Eyeball. If you haven’t switched to Umbral, it’s a good idea to do so. You can use it to Soulflay a Stigma near the altar, and you’ll get 2 Umbral Scouring and the Remembrance of the Spurned Progeny Lords of the Fallen. Taking this extra step while in Umbral mode makes your rewards even better and ensures you get all the benefits from winning the tough battle.