In God of War Ragnarok PS5, the main character Kratos uses many weapons which help him to fight against the difficulties during the war. Kratos can make his weapons more powerful by learning different abilities. The Leviathan Axe and the Blades of Chaos from God of War Ragnarok return back to Kratos.

You can get the best shot of Leviathan axe with the Draupnir Spear. Gale flame is the material in the God of War. It is used to upgrade the weapon. Here we will discuss how to get it and its best location.
How to Use Gale Flames?
The first thing that you should do after getting the gale flame for the first time in the God of War Ragnarok is to go to the nearest blacksmith shop to upgrade the Draupnir Spear. This level of upgrade will improve and increase the appearance of the luck state on the Draupnir Spear in the gow ragnarok.
Gale Flames Location and Where to Find Them?
Here we will discuss how to get Gale flames and its location in God of War Ragnarok in detail.

Where to Find Gale Flame?
In God of War Ragnarok you can anticipate receiving Gale flames early. You do not obtain Draupnir Spear until later in the game. For this reason, there are just 4 Gale flames in the game. You can get one gale flame during the story while the other three by completing favors. The easier favor in the God of War is the Nocturnal Predator, and it starts in the game after unlocking the Crater in Vanaheim. To unlock the area of Vanahiem you need to complete creatures of Prophecy and then they pick Scent of Survival of Favor. After completing that one will have access to the Crater.
All six Gale sparks in God of War Ragnarok can be obtain from only one Gale flame. When players find and get the Lost Lindwyrms then they obtain the Gale sparks. When players get these six sparks then they get the Gale flame. These Gale sparks combine by themselves players do not need to do anything for that. The final Gale Flame is obtained by fighting the bosses summoned by the Berserker Gravestone in Svartalfheim’s Jarnsmida Pitmines. It’s difficult that’s why it’s advice to players to continue this Gale flame last.
Gale Flame Location 1
In this part of the story, only one Gale flame gain the Kratos. The boss pair Hrist and Mist leaves it defeating them in Muspelheim. This is the point in God of War Ragnarok at which Kratos and Atreus implore Surtr to transform into Ragnarok to face Odin. And you will find the other three Gales in other realms.
Gale Flame Location 2
In Gow Ragnarok to obtain a Gale Flame, undertake the “Nocturnal Predator” Favor, exclusively available in the Vanaheim Crater area. This Favor can be accessed after completing “Scent of Survival,” a prerequisite for upgrading the Leviathan Axe. Ensure its nighttime or use the Celestial Altar from “For Vanaheim!” Favor switching the time of day. In the middle of The Plains, you’ll find a Sigil with two flames alight. Capture wisps by purging animals with Kratos’s Blades of Chaos to light the other three flames. This summons a Flame Phantom boss; damage its core to stagger it. Destroy five glowing pillars with ranged attacks to defeat it and claim the Gale Flame.

Gale Flame Location 3
In God of War Ragnarok the Applecore region of Svartalfheim, you’ll confront a formidable challenge posed by a pair of Berserkers, namely Bodvar the Fierce and Starolfr the Troublesome. Overcoming this duo can be demanding, so it’s wise to target Bodvar first, as he possesses fewer hit points and is less aggressive than Starolfr. Throughout the battle, your companion will divert one Berserker’s attention, allowing you to focus on your primary adversary. Be cautious of Starolfr’s devastating “winged feather barrage” attack, as it inflicts substantial damage. Dodge it to preserve your health, as even blocking won’t suffice. Victory over these formidable foes rewards you with a coveted Gale Flame.
Gale Flame Location 4: How to Find All 6 Gale Sparks
In God of War gather six Gale Sparks using Ratatoskr’s “Lost Lindwyrms” Favour to obtain the final Gale Flame. After finishing “The Path: The World of Fate” and obtaining the Draupnir Spear, this favor becomes available.

Lindwyrms are hidden within Yggdrasil Rifts, two in Vanaheim and four in Svartalfheim; investigate each gap twice to catch the beast and obtain the Gale Spark. Their locations in God of War Ragnarok are given below:
- In the Vanaheim plain area- The Yggdrasil rift located on the far part of the arena where you faced Crimson Dread during the “For Vanaheim!”
- In Gow Ragnarok Vanaheim the area of Crater- Near the Celestial Altar, there is a rift and Gateway in Eastern Plains Mystic.
- In Svartalfheim the area of the Forge-After receiving the Draupnir Spear, you must navigate the region using the spear as a bar to grab onto. You’ll ultimately come across the rift.
- In Svartalfheim the area of Alberich Hollow – After defeating the fight boss Ormstunga mini-boss fight, the rift should be up the ledge to your left.
- In Svartalfheim the area of Alberich Island -in the middle of the sea you will see a damaged boat and the rift is right on it.
- In Svartalfheim the area of Applecore – it’s with the Applecore Mystic Gateway with little turn you can see the rift. You’ll pass through this on your way to the Jarnsmida Pitmines area.
Also read: God of War Ragnarök’s leviathan axe best runic attacks
It is essential to obtain Gale Flames for upgrading the powerful Draupnir Spear in God of War Ragnarok. These flames can be found through story progression, favor completion, and gathering Gale Sparks. While they are limited in number, careful planning and strategy will help you master their use and enhance their weaponry for the epic challenges that lie ahead in this thrilling Norse adventure.