Genshin Impact is a massive game in its scope, regions to explore, monsters to slay and objectives to complete. With more content, and things to do, you need varying roster of characters to tackle and overcome these tasks and challenges. The game isn’t hard per-se, but the biggest issue new players might have is choosing the wrong character to invest your resources on.
In this guide we give an overview a few of the best Genshin Impact characters when starting out to cover most in game content. You won’t be wasting any leveling up resources as they are scarce, so without further ado, lets begin this Genshin Impact tier list.

Best Genshin Impact Character List
Before we parse through the beginner friendly list, lets understand that all characters in the game have specific roles. These roles are categorized as the following in this Genshin Impact beginner guide:
- DPS: Damage per second or damage dealers.
- Sub-DPS: Who support main DPS with their burst skills and elemental damage.
- Support: Heroes who heal, buff, enchant, teammates or debuff, CC opponents.
Furthermore, all the contact and enemies are susceptible to different damage type like Hydro, Electro, Cryo etc.
1. Traveler – Outlander

Quality: 5 Star
Element: Unaligned – None
Weapon: Sword
Role: Main Protagonist
Best character to start with as you gain this character during intro region and missions. He also doesn’t have any element at the start which you can align yourself making him the best starter hero, based on the roster you have. The best elements for him are either Anemo or Geo which you can boost materials on. He isn’t the strongest characters, but his base stats make him the best starter choice.
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2. Diluc – The Dark Side of Dawn

Quality: 5 Star
Element: Pyro
Weapon: Claymore
Role: On-Field/DPS
You might say Diluc is a obtainable through Gacha making him harder to get, but he is regularly on different banners. This is the reason he is up top when it comes to Pyro heroes as he is the best viable for a balanced team of Genshin Impact characters for most game content. His strong suit is his critical attack skill, interrupting enemy attacks, multiple pyro attacks in quick successions.
3. Kaeya – Frostwind Swordsman

Quality: 4 Star
Element: Cryo
Weapon: Sword
Role: Sub-DPS
Kaeya is the hero you keep in your roster for utility purposes and invest him for his tools like freezing water to access different regions and do more exploration. You will get him early on in a quest so start using him for exploration and as a Cryo slot hero until you roll a 5 star one for more challenging content.
4. Barbara – Shining Idol

Quality: 4 Star
Element: Cryo
Weapon: Catalyst
Role: On-Field/Survivability
An easy to roll character especially via the Free Wish system, is the best beginner friendly support hero and the best healer in this Genshin Impact tier list. She is known for her constant healing skills keeping up your team fighting. When you use ‘Let the Show Begin’ you can heal your active characters continuously. This skill can heal for a few turns but if you want a big burst of heal, ‘Shining Miracle’ is the skill you can use as it can heal your entire active party. So, until you get a 5 star and more skilled healer, you can use Barbara in all the game content.
5. Shikanoin Heizou – Analytical Harmony

Quality: 4 Star
Element: Anemo
Weapon: Catalyst
Role: On-Field/DPS
He is a unique hero because first he is an Anemo hero and 2ndly the only Anemo who is a 4 star. He also is viable during combat because of skills he can use alongside swirl action thus making him the only 4 star Anemo hero for DPS role and can be your main DPS. His best skills are ‘Elemental Skill’ and ‘Elemental Burst’ both with swirl action. Keep him as staple of your Genshin Impact characters team until you find a higher DPS or quality hero.
6. Xingqiu – Juvenile Galant

Quality: 4 Star
Element: Hydro
Weapon: Sword
Role: Off-Field/DPS/Survivability
Hands down one of the best character in the game for newbies and can be a part of your roster no matter the content. His attack speed, elemental skill and burst and chaining with other skills are on par with most 5 star alternatives. Klee, Kaeya or Chongyun are a few heroes he pairs well with who are using Cryo or Pyro elements.
7. Lisa – Witch of Purple Rose

Quality: 4 Star
Element: Electro
Weapon: Catalyst
Role: Off-Field/DPS
You can also get this Electro Catalyst user early on in the game, and is well known for her Violet Arc, which is an elemental skill that can deal massive AoE damage. The good thing here is that you can charge it to do even more damage. Same is the case with her Lightning Rose, which is the Elemental Burst skill again a great skill for enemies and making quick work of them.
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8. Sucrose – Harmless Sweetie

Quality: 4 Star
Element: Anemo
Weapon: Catalyst
Role: Off-Field/Support
Another support hero for your team and a core part as she is easy to get, a versatile hero and best for crowd controlling a bunch of enemies with her Elemental Skill and Burst. Her best use is for Spiral Abyss where you want group CC while your team cleans them up. Furthermore, she is amazing for exploration where you need to gather Dandelion Seeds regularly and must have an Anemo hero with you.
Finally, her last draw is that she can enhance the Elemental Mastery of all heroes on the team by a good 20%. And if you think there couldn’t be more of an incentive to invest materials on her, than you should know there is more. Sucrose has an economic edge in shape of extra item when producing enhancement material. She produces an extra one at no additional cost.
9. Fischl – Prinzessin der Verurteilung!

Quality: 4 Star
Element: Bow
Weapon: Catalyst
Role: Off-Field/DPS
Finally a character that can dish out constant and powerful DPS, with the help of Oz, a Raven that does burst damage along with her bow from the Elemental Skill. She is also easy to get and be part of your Genshin Impact characters team.