Street Fighter Characters Complete Control Guide

Welcome to the world of Street Fighter 6, where precise control is vital for success. This guide introduces Street Fighter 6 PS5, emphasizing rich Street Fighter characters roster and the significance of mastering its controls. Whether you’re new or experienced, this guide is your key to understanding the game’s mechanics.

It covers basic controls, special moves, combos, defense, character specifics, strategies, and advanced techniques. Our goal is to help you excel in casual and competitive play. Remember, practice and dedication are your allies on the journey to complete control in Street Fighter 6.

Playing Street Fighter 6 has been easy now especially if you are playing it on PS5 or PS4. In guide we have shared the control guide and how you can use special attacks


The Basic Controls of Street Fighter 6 For Consoles

Understanding the fundamental controls of Street Fighter 6 is the first step toward becoming a proficient player with all the Street Fighter characters in the game. In this section, we’ll break down the core elements of the game’s control scheme, including button layout, character movement, guarding, and throwing.

The Button Layout of Street Fighter IX

Here are the basic controls of Street Fighter gameplay


Street Fighter 6 employs a six-button layout. The top row typically represents punches, which vary in strength. Light Punch (LP), Medium Punch (MP), and Heavy Punch (HP) are essential for your character’s offensive arsenal.


The bottom row houses the kick buttons. Similar to punches, you have Light Kick (LK), Medium Kick (MK), and Heavy Kick (HK), each with its own utility in combat.


Use the directional pad or analog stick to make your character walk left or right. Walking is vital for controlling space and positioning.


Holding down on the directional input makes your character crouch, which can be useful for evading high attacks and executing low-hitting moves.


Pressing up on the input allows your character to jump. The timing and direction of your jumps are crucial for offense and defense.

The Combat Guide of Street Fighter 6

Here is advanced control for Street Fighter IX


Understanding how to defend is just as important as knowing how to attack. To guard against incoming attacks, simply hold the directional input away from your opponent. Remember, blocking high or low depends on your opponent’s attack and might be different for many Street Fighter characters.

Throw Command

Pressing both Light Punch and Light Kick simultaneously executes a throw. Throws are unblockable and can be a powerful tool to break an opponent’s defense or punish their mistakes.

Mastering these basic controls is the foundation of your Street Fighter 6 journey. These inputs form the basis for executing special moves, combos, and defensive maneuvers. As you progress through the guide, you’ll learn how to combine these elements to dominate your opponents in the world of Street Fighter 6.

The Most Advanced Controls of Street Fighter 6

Special moves are the heart and soul of Street Fighter 6’s combat system. In this section, we’ll delve into the mechanics of special moves, how to input them, and provide examples of some of the most iconic special moves in the game.

Three-Button Control Scheme

 In Street Fighter 6, the control scheme is simplified to three main attack buttons: Light Attack (L), Medium Attack (M), and Heavy Attack (H). These buttons serve as the basis for your character’s offensive actions.

One-Button Special Moves

You can perform special moves using just one button, known as the Special button (SP). By pressing the SP button alone or in combination with directional inputs, you can execute various special moves unique to your character. Each of the Street Fighter characters roster has different special attacks. If you hold the Assist button while inputting your special move, it will trigger Overdrive attacks, which are more powerful versions of your special moves.

  • #1: SP (Neutral) – Pressing the SP button alone triggers Special 1.
  • #2 SP + Right Arrow – Combining SP with a rightward directional input activates Special 2.
  • #3: SP + Left Arrow – Combining SP with a leftward directional input activates Special 3.
  • #4: SP + Down Arrow – Combining SP with a downward directional input activates Special 4.

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Simplified Super Arts Street Fighter Moves

Super Arts are powerful special moves that can turn the tide of a battle. In Street Fighter 6, performing Super Arts is made easier:

  • #1: SP + H (Neutral) – Pressing the SP and Heavy Attack (H) buttons simultaneously or with a rightward directional input performs a Level 1 Super Art.
  • #2: SP + H + Left Arrow – Combining SP and H with a leftward directional input executes a Level 2 Super Art.
  • #3: SP + H + Down Arrow – Performing SP + H with a downward directional input triggers the most devastating Super Art, known as the Critical Art (Level 3).

Auto-Combos in Street Fighter IX

For players who prefer a simplified approach to combos, Street Fighter 6 introduces Auto-Combos. Good for many of the Street Fighter characters who might be difficult to play. By holding the Assist button and repeatedly pressing one of the attack buttons, you can perform automatic combos with varying levels of power


Assist Combo 1

Holding the Assist button and repeatedly pressing Light Attack executes an auto combo that includes one Overdrive Attack and finishes with a Level 1 Super Art.

Assist Combo 2

 Repeating the process with the Medium Attack button triggers an auto combo featuring one Overdrive Attack, concluding with a Level 2 Super Art.

Assist Combo 3

Holding the Assist button while repeatedly pressing the Heavy Attack button initiates an auto combo incorporating one Overdrive Attack and culminating in a Level 3 Critical Art, the most potent attack available.

These simplified control options make Street Fighter 6 more accessible to newcomers and allow for a variety of strategic choices during gameplay. Experienced players can still benefit from these options by incorporating them into their strategies, while newcomers can enjoy engaging battles with less emphasis on complex button combinations.

Different Directional Moves

Special moves are unique attacks that each character can perform. To execute these moves, you need to input specific directional commands and press the appropriate punch or kick button. The common input methods include:

Quarter-Circle Forward

This involves sliding the directional input from down to forward (↘) and then pressing a punch or kick button (e.g., Hadoken).

Quarter-Circle Backward

Similar to QCF, but in reverse. Start from down to backward (↙) and then press a punch or kick button.

Charge Moves

Hold back (←) for a few seconds, then quickly press forward (→) and a punch or kick button (e.g., Sonic Boom).

Dragon Punch Motion

Input a forward (→), down (↓), and down-forward (↘) motion, followed by a punch button (e.g., Shoryuken).

Reverse Dragon Punch Motion

Reverse of the Dragon Punch motion, input down (↓), down-forward (↘), and forward (→), followed by a punch button.

Half-Circle Motion

Input backward (←), down-backward (↙), and down (↓) or forward (→), down-forward (↘), and forward (→) followed by a punch or kick button (e.g., Tatsu Maki Senpukyaku)

Examples of Special Attacks in SF 6


Combining Special Moves

Combining special moves is a key aspect of advanced gameplay. You can create devastating combos and pressure your opponent by chaining special moves together. Understanding the timing and rhythm of these combinations is crucial for maximizing your character’s potential.

EX Special Moves

EX (Extra) special moves are enhanced versions of regular specials that require a specific input, typically pressing two punch or two kick buttons simultaneously. These EX moves often have additional properties, more damage, or improved utility compared to their standard counterparts.

V-System Attacks

Street Fighter 6 introduces the V-System, which grants each character unique V-Skills, V-Triggers, and V-Reversals. These V-System attacks add an extra layer of depth to gameplay, offering various defensive and offensive options. We’ll explore these in more detail in later sections of the guide.

Mastering special moves is a fundamental aspect of becoming a formidable Street Fighter 6 player. These moves define your character’s playstyle, and knowing when and how to use them is essential for success. As we progress through this guide, we’ll delve deeper into specific character special moves and advanced techniques to help you unleash their full potential.


In this guide we have shared the control layout for Street Fighter 6 gameplay. Movement controls are quiet similar but when attack and special moves will be different according to your console layout.

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