Say hello to the Ruiner Lords of the Fallen, the seventh boss in Lords of fallen. You’ll encounter it after exploring the Forsaken Fen and traveling through Fitzroy’s Gorge to reach Calrath. In this blog post, we’ll talk about the Ruiner’s different attacks and share some useful tips to help you defeat this formidable opponent. Knowing the best strategy is crucial for winning this tough battle.

Ruiner Boss Guide
Facing the tough Ruiner Lords of the Fallen on a narrow bridge is a challenging feat. The limited space makes the boss battle even harder, so you must carefully plan your moves. Use ranged attacks wisely and equip items that protect against fire or help you recover. Moving around in such a tight space requires strategic thinking, turning the encounter into a delicate balance between attacking and defending. To succeed in this challenging boss battle, prepare thoroughly and choose your abilities wisely.
When the Ruiner Lords of the Fallen charges at you, use the things around you smartly to make it slow down. Guide him to the boxes on the bridge because they tend to stop when they hit them. This gives you a good chance to fight back, whether you’re close or far away. Be careful, though, as he will try to push you to the edge of the bridge. Dodge its moves and go in the opposite direction to create space for yourself.
Brace Yourself for a Powerful Counter-attack
After making a big jump, he lights up its weapon and shield, leaving fire trails. Be prepared for exciting attacks, like waves of fire and powerful moves that create explosive pools around you. The Ruiner can also jump and cause a wide impact when it lands. You must be quick and smart to dodge waves, avoid explosions, and counter jumps. Being adaptable is important when dealing with his fiery attacks.

The Ruiner Lords of the Fallen throws a fire-lit statue. It’s really important to focus on taking it down quickly because getting rid of it removes any extra power the Ruiner gets. Take advantage of the Ruiner’s regular attacks by blocking and parrying to recover health and cause damage. Use Soulflay to freeze time temporarily and use that opportunity to deal a big blow to the Lords of the Fallen Ruiner by causing damage. Learning and using these strategies well can turn the tide in this tough battle and beat the Ruiner.
Read Also: The Sacred Resonance of Tenacity Boss Guide
In mastering Ruiner Lords of Fallen, players have delved deep into its challenging realms, overcoming obstacles and bosses with skill and determination. This comprehensive guide has provided invaluable strategies, tips, and insights, empowering players to navigate the game’s complexities with confidence. Armed with this knowledge, gamers can embark on their journey anew, equipped to conquer the trials that await and emerge victorious in the ever-evolving world of Ruiner Lords of Fallen.