Mirage AC: Every Sword and Where to Find Them?

Discover the exciting world of Assassin’s Creed mirage in this guide showing you where to find all the cool swords. In the lively city of Baghdad, there are lots of things to collect and do. You can find many swords hidden in gear Chests all around the city. Still, there are also other ways to gather a powerful collection of these deadly weapons. Uncover the secrets to get your hands on an amazing variety of sharp and dangerous tools in AC Mirage.


Embark on an exciting adventure to collect a variety of swords in AC Mirage, where each blade comes with its own special story. Explore the diverse origins of these deadly weapons through contract missions, mysterious shards, and the unfolding storyline. Dive into the details of their upgrades, often connected to schematics hidden throughout the game world.

Whether you’re after a sword tied to contract missions or one linked to mysterious shards, each blade has its unique journey. Our complete guide is here to give you all the essential information about Mirage AC swords. This information will ensure you’re fully prepared for an immersive gaming experience.

Best Swords in AC Mirage

Let’s go through each of these swords and inform you how to find them!

Initiate Of Alamut Sword

Meet the Initiate of Alamut, your trusty sword in the Assassin’s Creed mirage game obtained right after becoming an assassin. As you advance through the main story, achieving key milestones will reward you with the schematics for this weapon. It’s a seamless process – enhance your assassin skills and your sword levels up, too. The Initiate of Alamut isn’t just a basic starting weapon; it becomes a cool companion in your journey through the AC Mirage. Watch your trusty blade evolve alongside you as you progress in the storyline.


Grab the initial upgrade early in the game when Ibn Musa opens his shop in your hideout shortly after your first assassination. However, for the ultimate upgrade, a bit of patience is needed. Attaining the Disciple rank is crucial, and it’s not affected by side activities. Concentrate on the main missions to boost your sword’s level – taking down more targets. While the final upgrade may take some time, the journey is all part of the enjoyment in the Assassin’s Creed mirage.

Zanj Uprising Sword

Hunt for the Zanj uprising sword and its schematics by searching through gear chests scattered across Harbiya. One of these chests is located on the second floor of the stable, right next to the training grounds in the Metal Factory. Discover the secrets hidden in these chests to upgrade your arsenal with this distinctive sword. Explore every corner of Harbiya to find these hidden treasures, adding an extra layer of excitement to your journey in AC Mirage. Remember, with its second-floor chest, the Metal Factory’s stable is just one part of your quest to acquire the formidable Zanj uprising sword.


Soap Boiler’s District Gear Chest

Uncover another part of the Zanj uprising sword puzzle by exploring a stable in the Soap Boiler’s District. To claim your reward, break through the weakened ceiling and climb up to reach the hidden treasure. This adds an exciting twist to your exploration in the game, where breaking through barriers becomes a literal part of the adventure to access valuable gear. Unleash your determination and climbing skills to unveil the secrets concealed within the Soap Boiler’s District stable, turning the Zanj uprising sword into an adventurous challenge. Your journey for this unique weapon takes you to unexpected heights, literally and figuratively.

Damascus Gate Prison Gear Chest

The missing piece of the Zanj uprising sword puzzle is hidden at the Damascus Gate Prison. Locate the elusive chest beneath the bridge at the prison’s entrance, but here’s the twist – break through a barricade by skillfully throwing a dagger through a hole in the gate. This challenging move adds an exciting element to your quest, demanding precision and ingenuity. Reveal the secrets hidden in the final chest to complete your collection of the Zanj uprising sword and enhance your gaming experience in Mirage AC. The Damascus Gate Prison holds the key, and your dagger-throwing skills unlock the door to this hidden gem.

Hidden One Sword

Discover the “Wilderness West” in the Wilderness area to find the Abandoned Caravanserai. Just go straight west from the Muhawwal Gate, and you’ll reach this interesting spot. Climb the tower in the middle, sneak through the window, and use a knife to open the door below. Deal with the mercenaries hanging around, explore the building, and claim your hard-earned treasure. This easy-to-follow guide ensures a smooth experience in Assassin’s Creed Mirage as you explore the Wilderness and uncover the secrets of the Abandoned Caravanserai.


Southern Camp Gear Chest

Start a journey southeast along the coast from the Al-Mi’dhana Al-‘Ateeqa Viewpoint. Discover the “Southern Camp,” which is an enemy base. Slip through the fence to locate a chest on the east side, guarded by many enemies. Use the tall grass strategically for stealthy takedowns to overcome the challenge. This well-planned infiltration guarantees an exciting adventure in AC Mirage gameplay. Outwit the guards, grab your reward, and enhance your gaming thrill with this secret mission along the beautiful coastal landscape.

Spymaster’s Camp Gear Chest

Set off on a journey south from the Jarjaraya Viewpoint to find the Spymaster’s Camp. Even though the camp looks empty, it’s now home to leopards. Your goal, the chest, is on a platform built on top of a tree at the camp’s center. Overcome the challenge of facing the powerful leopards and collect your reward from this elevated treasure spot. This bold adventure from the Jarjaraya Viewpoint in Assassin’s Creed Mirage brings together wildlife encounters and stealth tactics, adding excitement to your quest for the elusive chest.

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Abbasid Knight Sword

Find the chest in the northern corner of the estate, and locate the key hidden on the top floor in the southeast. Choose a rooftop path to avoid guards. After securing the key, stay on high ground, drop near the northmost building’s window, enter through the damaged slat shutter, and move bookshelves to reveal the hidden chest. This tactical rooftop adventure guarantees a sneaky heist in the game, blending key retrieval and nimble navigation to reach the prized treasure within the estate. Hone your subtlety skills as you embark on this exciting mission.


Scriptorium Gear Chest

Climb to the highest floor of the Scriptorium on the complex’s east side to find this sought-after chest. Start your approach from the roof, carefully descend onto the balcony below, and deal with the guard. The chest, a tempting reward, is there for you to claim. This simple strategy guarantees a smooth heist in AC gameplay, blending rooftop movement, tactical confrontation, and quick acquisition of the well-guarded treasure in the Scriptorium. Leap and enjoy the fruits of your stealthy adventure.

House Of Wisdom Gear Chest

To get the Abbasid Knight’s Sword in the Assassin’s Creed Mirage, you need to follow a daring sequence of steps. First, climb to the roof, sneak past guards, steal a key, and then make a precise shot to drop a chandelier through a window, creating a hole in the floor. Once you complete these moves, you’ll gain access to the schematic for the coveted sword. Check out our detailed guide for a step-by-step walkthrough of this challenging mission, which combines rooftop acrobatics, stealthy pickpocketing, and accurate shots for a rewarding experience. Join us for an exciting journey through this complex heist in Assassin’s Creed Mirage.

Rostam Sword

To obtain the powerful Rostam Sword in Assassin’s Creed Mirage, complete contract quests, focusing on the Weapons Dealer Contract. In this specific quest, as explained in our AC Mirage review, participate in an escort mission where you guide the merchant to safety by strategically taking out guards. Our detailed walkthrough provides step-by-step guidance for completing the Weapons Dealer Contract. This adventure in Assassin’s Creed Mirage combines combat strategy and protective escort duties, ultimately rewarding you with the formidable Rostam Sword. Delve into our guide to ensure a triumphant completion of this engaging contract quest.


After successfully completing the Weapons Dealer Contract, unlock The Slaver Merchant Contract. Find the slaver in the harbor, where you rescued Beshi’s men. You may have to look on the AC Mirage map to look for clues. Use Enkidu to mark the target, discreetly swim into the harbor, and approach stealthily. Sneak up from behind and quickly eliminate the slaver with a well-placed stab. This simple tactic guarantees a smooth and efficient completion of The Slaver Merchant Contract in the Assassin’s Creed Mirage. Dive into the harbor undetected, follow the steps, and make it look easy as you eliminate the slaver threat with finesse.

To acquire the last schematic for the Rostam Sword in Assassin’s Creed Mirage, you must unlock The Slave Trader Contract. However, the challenge lies in unclear prerequisites for this contract.

AC Mirage: Note

In our experience, it was one of the last contracts to become available. If you’re facing the same situation, keep completing other contracts until The Slave Trader Contract becomes accessible. While we wish we could provide more specific advice, our journey indicates that some circulating information may not be accurate. Stay persistent, tackle various contracts, and uncover the missing link to complete your Rostam Sword schematic collection in AC Mirage.

Shamshir-e Zomorrodnegar

While you may be tempted to go looking for AC Mirage where is the final shard, please stay on track as this is the last sword on the list. Unlock the powerful Shamshir-e Zomorrodnegar sword exclusively through the Mysterious Shard collectible, which is available for two shards. What sets this sword apart is its unique feature – it comes fully upgraded right from the start. However, the quest for shards begins only after reaching a crucial point in the game: locating Nehal and uncovering the cavern beneath the Northern Oasis. Once you reach this milestone in the game, set on the hunt for Mysterious Shards to acquire the Shamshir-e Zomorrodnegar and enhance your arsenal for the upcoming challenges.


Where is a Challenge Enigma AC Mirage Located in the Game?

If you want to complete the A Challenge Enigma AC Mirage when you have time, you can look into the Yasiriyah district of Abbasiyah. You’ll find a wooden bridge crossing the river southwest. This bridge is easily accessible through the House of Wisdom, which is on the southwest of the river. Keep looking for a palm tree that is found near a small fountain. From there, you can easily find the location.

How to Eavesdrop AC Mirage?

Eavesdropping in Assassin’s Creed Mirage is an essential part of many missions and integral to the game overall. It requires that you be near someone you want to listen in on. Then, you must be in one of the hiding locations that can be accessed nearby. Depending on your platform or whether you’re using a controller or keyboard, you need to lock on to the conversation. This method allows you to eavesdrop while playing the game.

Where can I Find a Holy Hoard AC Mirage​?

Another secret challenge mission is a Challange Enigma AC Mirage. To find this place, you need to go to Harbiyah. There, you should find your way to the southern corner of the Khuld District. If you are near the Prince’s Gate, you can walk to the building in the corner. There, you can see the indication on the map.

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